
Showing posts from January, 2021

A simple nutritious meal

Hello, Here's a simply nutritious meal of steamed salmon topped with minced garlic; also on the plate is spinach with feta cheese; rice with guacamole and veggies.  One of my loved ones doesn't like salmon so I have been slow to post about it.  You can, of course, substitute another fish for salmon. This was easy to prepare and tasty. Hope you are well.  Enjoy!

Vegetarian Cabbage Rolls

 Hope 2021 is off to a pleasant start for you! I've been curious about cabbage and its uses.  Today's featured photo is of stuff cabbage hot out of the oven--the cabbage is stuffed with vegetables and rice.  I enjoyed preparing the cabbage by removing outer leaves and then submerging the remaining cabbage into boiling water for a few minutes.  I sautéed sweet pepper and then used other veggies, that I had cooked earlier in the week that needed to be used, for the filling.  I added some parmesan cheese and salsa for flavor and baked it in the oven until thoroughly heated and the cheese had melted.  It was fun to experiment and roll the veggies within the very cooperating cabbage leaves.  Enjoy!

Happy 2021!

 May 2021 be filled with joy, good health, and laughter for each of you and your families. Yesterday, I baked the oatmeal version of "Everyone's Muffins" from Laurel's Kitchen.  The book was given to me years ago by Diana Harrison.  It has weathered moves and lots of smudges reading a recipe while preparing one.  However, it remains a very useful resource.  I added walnuts which I think enhanced the flavor.  Gaining some experience with active dry yeast.  A pleasant surprise--the gluten free dough rose well with the active dry yeast ingredients.  Today's photo features one batch of the yeast raised muffins--I think this is an example of looks can be deceiving--they look just "okay" to me but they taste good.  May your year, too, be filled with welcome surprises. All the best, Faye