Happy 2021!
May 2021 be filled with joy, good health, and laughter for each of you and your families.
Yesterday, I baked the oatmeal version of "Everyone's Muffins" from Laurel's Kitchen. The book was given to me years ago by Diana Harrison. It has weathered moves and lots of smudges reading a recipe while preparing one. However, it remains a very useful resource. I added walnuts which I think enhanced the flavor. Gaining some experience with active dry yeast. A pleasant surprise--the gluten free dough rose well with the active dry yeast ingredients. Today's photo features one batch of the yeast raised muffins--I think this is an example of looks can be deceiving--they look just "okay" to me but they taste good. May your year, too, be filled with welcome surprises.
All the best,
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