Reflections with a spot of tea

I hope you have had a good week.  

By the Jewish calendar we are just finishing the first full week of Elul.  Many years ago, Carole (my sister) gave me--for my birthday--a book by Blu Greenberg. I am quite fond of the way Greenberg describes Elul as a time of preparation for the upcoming Jewish High Holy Days.  Included in this preparation is time for reflection, that's where this fits with the blog (in case you were wondering).  Suffice it to say that part of my reflection of late has been going through a set of recipes I've gathered over the years offered by family, friends, and cookbooks.  Of course, that includes a few I've recently acquired as a result of this blog! Examples will follow over at least the next few weeks as I post food prepared from some of the recipes provided.  You are also welcome to share any recipes you wish with me. Stay Tuned.

As for "a spot of tea", well, this summer I grew a lemon verbena herbal tea plant in the backyard.  It has done nicely.  I didn't have a recipe on file so I referred to "Dr. Google" and used the one that called for pressing the leaves using a French Press, adding hot water, and letting the mixture steep.  Refreshing. 


  1. It’s so gratifying to make food or drink from something you grew yourself in your own back yard, isn’t it. Lemon verbena tea does sound refreshing.

    1. Indeed! I so enjoy picking leaves from the lemon verbena plant for tea and getting veggies from our garden. Thank you.

  2. I am not familiar with the lemon verbena I enjoyed learning about it. We grow mint and I love mint tea so the idea of using the French Press for the tea is great. I never thought about using the French Press for anything but coffee....thanks.

  3. Same here on using French Press for tea--worked well.


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