Dedicated to my mother on her birthday

I hope you are having a nice weekend.

Today's post is dedicated to my mother, of blessed memory, as today is her birthday. 

The plate (for lunch) features skirt steak (a favorite of mom's)--saved some out for today as we had it as a main dish this past Friday night for dinner.  As skirt steak is a bit fatty we eat it only only occasion.

 I mixed the left-over skirt steak with turkey stew, rice, and some veggies (including sweet red pepper).  It's about 1/4 cup rice (keeping with my low-carb efforts) and together it still comes to just about 4 oz. of meat/rice.  There is also salad with cucumbers (cucumbers are from our yard), and a few green beans.  On top of the salad is some hummus which I added for flavor and as a dressing for the greens.  Last, but not least, is 1/4 cup blueberries.  You might notice that the berries look frozen.  Mom used to freeze blueberries in the summer and have them year round.  I'm starting to do that as well and those on the plate did defrost by the time I ate them. 

For those of you who are vegan/vegetarian, I included a few marinated beans.  You can certainly eliminate the meat--or any of the ingredients--to fit your preferences.

Happy Eating!


  1. Replies
    1. That’s very sweet that the meal is dedicated to your mom, Faye. With some of her favorite foods. Sigh. 💕


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